• [VIDEO] Life Hack 101: Guide to Folding Socks

    ✨Fold No. 1✨

    1️⃣Step One: Fold your socks into three equal parts.

    2️⃣Step Two: Grab the first layer of the outer sock and tuck the rest in to secure the fold.

    ✨Fold No. 2✨

    1️⃣Step One: Put the bottom sock vertically and the top horizontally in the middle.

    2️⃣Step Two: Fold the bottom sock, hugging the top sock. Then, do the same thing for the top sock.

    3️⃣Step Three: Grab the first layer of the outer sock and tuck the rest in to secure the fold.

    ✨Fold No. 3✨

    1️⃣Step One: Orient the socks in different axis (horizontal & vertical) and place the top sock (horizontal) at the lowest part of the other (vertical).

    2️⃣Step Two: Fold the horizontal sock together with the other until it reach the top. Then, fold the rest vertically.

    3️⃣Step Three: Tuck the end of the sock to secure.