Hello beautiful people! Today we are going to discuss which color of hat suits you. 🥰💋 Because a hat is worn so closely to your face it is important that the colour of the hat flatters your skin tone.


    White is suitable for all skin tones because it is a balance between cool and warm. 🤩Without knowing the undertone of their skin, many people are instinctively attracted to wearing colours that go with their skin tone. This colour goes with anything. ✨❤️

    👒 BLACK

    With everything you wear and most any hair color, black is always a good fallback plan. ❤️It's an easy decision and makes any number of people feel comfortable.✨

    Darker skin is easier to choose for, although if it is very dark, black is best avoided.


    If you have pale skin, a warm colour such as pink or rust is a good choice.❤️ This will look so perfect with your complexion. I just loooove neutral shades it makes you look classy and elegant ❤️✨.

    The colour of the outfit with which the hat is to be worn must also be considered. 💯 If the hat matches the colour of the outfit exactly it is important to introduce at least one other colour into the outfit, and if the hat is to be a contrasting colour, it must be a colour that complements the outfit.😍

    Some people say that if you are tall you should not wear small hats, and if you are short you should not wear large hats. This is true to an extent, but as mentioned before, confidence plays a large part in hat wearing and if you feel that you look good wearing a certain hat then you probably do!🥰🤩