• how to maintain clear skin!

    how to maintain clear skin!
    how to maintain clear skin!
    how to maintain clear skin!

    how to maintain clear skin!
    how to maintain clear skin!

    hey, everyone! 🌸 I’ll be sharing more tips for y’all! 🫶🏻 so for today’s beauty content, we will have “how to maintain clear skin” 💯 these tips are the ones that works for me SOOOO❗️I would love to share these to everyone too! 🫶🏻 let’s start! 🫡

    1. WASH YOUR FACE TWICE A DAY AND USE GENTLE FACIAL WASH 🧼 – This can remove impurities, deep clean the pores, and can make the skin refreshed, clean, and hydrated! 💯✨ NOW❗️what will happen if we don’t wash our face twice a day? 😲 this can result to clogged pores and skin breakouts! ☹️ AND❗️it’s also important to choose a gentle skincare set or products! 🧼 this can cleanse our pores from deep within and lifts away the layer of impurities. 😲💯 don’t use harsh products! 📌

    2. DRINK ATLEAST 8-10 GLASSES OF WATER 💦 – There’s a lot of good benefits we can get from drinking water 🫡 included in the list is to have clearer skin! ✨ HOW❗️because this can balance the oil and water content in our face. 😲 this helps to prevent excess oil and sebum secretion, which means fewer clogged pores and acne 💯

    3. CHANGE YOUR PILLOWCASE ATLEAST ONCE A WEEK 🛏 – This works for me! 💯 since when sleeping, our face will surely touch the pillowcase❗️AND we don’t know how much bacteria we can get from that pillowcase! 👎🏻 SO❗️it’s very important to change it atleast once a week to assure our skin’s cleanliness! AND❗️don’t forget to change your blankies and wash your plushies too!😗✔️

    4. AVOID TOUCHING YOUR FACE 🖐🏻 – Similar to the pillowcase, we don’t know how much bacteria we have in our tiny hands! 😔🤚🏻 we touch almost everything! 😩 AND❗️if we do touch our skin most of the time, the bacteria can transfer to our skin ☹️ and that can lead to pimples or breakouts. 👎🏻 another tip is to wash your hands, and disinfect your phone’s screen! 📱

    done ☑️ I hope you learned from the tips I have for today! 💯 may we all have clearer and glowing skin! ✨ if you know more tips, don’t hesitate to comment it down below! 🫡 thanks for reading, see you next time! 💝