• What Skincare Routine that’s right for your age?

    What Skincare Routine that’s right for your age?
    What Skincare Routine that’s right for your age?
    What Skincare Routine that’s right for your age?
    What Skincare Routine that’s right for your age?

    Are you someone who is still confused about what skincare products to use that are suitable for your age? 🤔 Don’t worry because here is a simple guide I made for you! ✨

    ▫️Skincare for those Below 20 years old

    – At this age range, teenagers are experiencing puberty and along with it comes hormonal changes that can affect the skin. If you are 20 years of age and below, most especially those ages 15-18, what I do recommend for you is to follow the basic skincare routine. This includes a cleanser, a serum with simple ingredients like Vitamin C, a moisturizer, and of course, the most important one, sunscreen. Below 20 years old, the goal is to keep your skin healthy and nourished but you should opt for gentle products.

    ▫️Skincare for Ages 20-30

    – At this age range, our lifestyle affects our overall skin condition. Activities like pulling an all-nighter, stress, and many others have made our skin in need of extra care. By the age of 20 and above, you should start incorporating active ingredients into your skincare routine. Aside from the basic cleanser, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen, you can start using specific skincare active creams like tretinoin and retinol – however, you should not use them recklessly, it is better to consult a professional as their formulation requires careful use and consideration.

    ▫️Skincare Routine for Ages above 30

    – Skin becomes thinner and the skin’s barrier function weakens at the age range of 30 and above. The skin also starts to become rough and dry as collagen also starts to degrade. With that, all these should be taken into consideration. The skincare routine should focus on providing protection and lessening the aging activity of the skin. The products that should be used, from cleansers, serum, and moisturizers should focus on anti-aging properties, moisturizing and collagen-building ingredients like peptides. And of course, do not forget to apply sunscreen and reapply every 2-3 hours for extra skin protection.

    I hope this guide helps with your confusion! 🤩 Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!💖